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Useful Questions and Answers

You may have several questions relating to BJP Home Support, the services we can provide or how the any process may work.


Some frequently asked questions are below, but do not hesitate to give us a call or drop in if you have any queries.


  • Q. I am a little unsure about moving into care
    A. If you are unsure about giving up your home and moving into care it is important to take time to look at your different options. One option is to come into a home for a short break, this will give you the chance to have a couple of weeks of rest and recuperation and to see if a care home is right for you.
  • Q. Can I choose any Home that I want?
    A. Yes, you can choose any Home that is registered for the care that you require. If for example you have nursing needs, you must go to a nursing home. Contact us if you wish to talk through any queries you have on your care needs.
  • Q. Do I need an assessment before I move into a care home?
    A. Yes, if you are receiving funding from your Local Authority. When you first consider moving into care Social Services will assess you to determine your needs, they will then be able to advise you on the level of care that you will need so that you can select a care home of your choice. Once you have selected a care home, the Manager from that home should come out and assess you to make sure that they are confident that they can meet your needs.
  • Q. How do I know which type of care home I need?
    A. If you are unsure which support is the best option for you, you can contact Belmont View's social worker - Hannah Parvin for more information. Alternatively, you can contact your local council. Your local council will complete an assessment with your agreement to established which type of support you require.
  • Q. Can you install furniture for me?
    Obsolutely. You will need to arrange transport to Belmont View, but once here our on-site maintenance will assist with installation of furniture, putting up pictures, building small items of furniture or any other tasks required to make residents feel at home.
  • Q. Where can I get some independent advice or support?
    A. We are available to provide you with advice for your loved one to ensure Belmont View is the best place for them to live, however the Alzheimer's Society is a great place for additional advice. Have a look at their website at
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